CEU Workshops

Educational Offerings For Therapists

REGISTER: Go to the Workshop subject of your choosing and scroll to the bottom of its page to register through the Eventbrite or Knowledgetree link.

Professional Workshops & Skills Development For Therapists

In the dynamic field of therapy, staying current with the latest developments and expanding one’s skill set is paramount, and Continuing Education Units (CEUs) play a crucial role in maintaining professional licensure. Therapists recognize the importance of ongoing education to provide the best possible care for their clients. WholeHeart Psychotherapy understands the challenges therapists face in accruing CEU credits while managing busy schedules. To address this need, we offer a diverse array of CEU workshops throughout the year. These workshops cover a spectrum of topics, from cutting-edge therapeutic approaches to essential skills development. By participating in our CEU workshops, therapists not only fulfill licensure requirements but also gain valuable insights and practical tools to enhance their clinical practice. WholeHeart Psychotherapy is dedicated to making the process of obtaining CEUs accessible, enriching, and seamlessly integrated into therapists’ professional journeys. Elevate your career while maintaining licensure with our thoughtfully curated CEU workshops.

CEU Training Classes at Wholeheart Psychotherapy
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