RO DBT For Therapists

On-Going, Group CEU workshop

$67 / Session

24 or 30 CEUs*


Weekly or 2x Monthly


Workshop Description:

The RO DBT for Therapists group teaches each of the RO DBT skills experientially so that therapists can learn the skills from the inside out.  We will cover roughly one skill per session, and the format will be like a traditional RO DBT group.  The group will start with homework review, and then we will learn an RO DBT skill and assign homework to practice between sessions.  We will use self-enquiry to deepen our self-awareness and a diary card.  RO DBT for therapists is a great way to connect, learn RO DBT and work on your personal growth goals.  Earn one CEU a week.
Cost:  $67per meeting; 30 session commitment and CEUs.

RO DBT Consult Group

Cost : $67 / Session

Time :
Mondays ( Weekly ) / 9:45 – 10:45 AM

Commitment : 30 Sessions

Format : On-Going, Group

Credit : 30 CEUs *
* CEUs are submitted for approval from GSCSW and LPCA only.

Location : Virtual ( Live Interactive Webinar on Zoom )

Facilitated by : Dr. Tara Arnold

RO DBT Therapist

Cost : $67 / Session

Time :
Fridays ( Bi-Weekly ) / 11:30 – 12:30 PM

Commitment : 24 Sessions

Format : On-Going, Group

Credit : 24 CEUs *
* CEUs are submitted for approval from GSCSW and LPCA only.

Location: Virtual (Live Interactive Webinar on Zoom)

Facilitated by : Dr. Tara Arnold

When & Where:

Educational Objectives:

There are (3) main components of emotional health in RO DBT


Being receptive and open to disconfirming feedback in order to learn (receptivity and openness).


Flexible control-Flexibility to adapt to changing environmental conditions (flexible responding).


Intimacy with at least one other person (social connectedness).

What is Radical Openness (RO)? (Lynch, 2018)

Who benefits from RO DBT?

People With ...

Am I Over Controlled?

Well, you may ask yourself, “Am I overcontrolled?”

So, here is a test, list of diagnoses for OC,  and a checklist to see if the term fits.

Over -Control (OC) Assessment Questions (Lynch, 2018)

  1. Do you believe it is important to do things properly or in the right way?
  2. Are you a perfectionist–meticulous, driven to achieve, always striving to do your best at anything you try, and pushing others to do the same?
  3. Are you cautious and careful about how you do things?
  4. Do you prefer order and structure? Are you organized?
  5. Do you like to plan ahead? Do you think before acting?
  6. Are you able to delay pleasure or satisfying a desire that you have? Are you able to not act upon a strong and unreflective urge or desire?
  7. Do you consider yourself conscientious? Are you dutiful?
  8. Is it hard to impress you?
  9. Does it take time to get to know you?
  10. Are you likely to not reveal your opinion immediately but wait until you get to know someone better?


Ok, layman’s terms- what does sensitivity to threat mean?

Over controlled people are hard-wired to have a higher sensitivity to threat- we See threat faster and more frequently than most- milliseconds. More than even the average bear, They are constantly scanning the environment for threat and feel threat if not obvious safety. Being this sensitive to threat makes relationships and interactions with people feel even more risky and out of control because we focus on social comparisons and performance as well as fear of rejection.

What do you mean by low novelty seeking or risk taking?

Most OC people avoid novelty and risk taking, especially when they are not planned- harder to be perfect. Being spontaneous can be very challenging for OC people as they prefer structure and predictability.

Do you enjoy taking unplanned risk or do you prefer a predictable schedule, doing things you know well?

What is Inhibitory Control?

What about high detail processing?

People with OC coping styles see details that others do not. They also can have very strong urges to correct things in the environment or other people, regardless of the impact on the relationship. Noticing details can be a great characteristic for work life, but being overly focused on the trees versus the forest can make it hard to relate to others.

Treatment Themes & Target Behaviors in RO DBT Treatment:

What’s Involved?

Emotion Inhibition

Behavioral Avoidance

Rigid Behavior

Aloof & Distant Relationships

Envy & Bitterness

References For Further Reading

Additional On-Going CEU Workshops

Sex Therapist Supervision Group

12 CEU

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Practice Development & Marketing Group


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Eating Disorder Consult Group

12 CEU

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DBT Consult Group

12 CEU

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DBT For Therapists

24 CEU

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On-Demand CEU Workshops

DBT in Clinical Practice​


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Advanced DBT in Clinical Practice


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Bottom Up Healing


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Healing Eating Disorders & Body Image​


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RO DBT : The State-of-the-Art Treatment for Over-controlled Clients​


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